Innovation Fair
Salon des innovations

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Medical Algorithm Creator (medAL-creator) and Medical Algorithm Reader (medAL-reader)

Easy to use software to develop and execute clinical decision support algorithms
Country: Switzerland
Website: Dynamic
Contact Person: Rainer Tan


Building on our previous Clinical Decision Support Algorithms that improved quality of health care in low- and middle-income settings, we present the medical algorithm suite (medAL-suite) software. medAL-creator is an easy to use platform that allows clinicians with little IT knowledge to use a drag-and-drop user interface and automatic terminology/code set to design clinical algorithms.

medAL-reader is the digital health application executing the algorithms from medal-creator, designed to guide health care workers on which questions to ask, what physical exams and tests to perform, and based on the answers proposes diagnoses and treatments.



Level of development:

Marketed but with little documented field experience


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