Innovation Fair
Salon des innovations

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Making Learning Possible. Anywhere. No Internet required
Country: Switzerland
Website: Beekee Box
Contact Person: Sergio Estupian


"Beekee designs portable, internet-independent devices enabling digital learning in challenging infrastructure environments. Our robust yet flexible offline-first devices Beekee Box and Beekee Hub, coupled with our fleet management platform Beekee Plus are used to solve any situation where a digital classroom is needed but Internet cannot be used effectively.

Our solutions support blended learning opportunities that combine the best of in-person and digital learning, with success and learning outcomes equivalent to in-person studying but at a fraction of the manpower, infrastructure, and opportunity cost."



Level of development:

Marketed with well-documented field experience

beekee 1   beekee 2   beekee 3


ghf award

Beekee wins the Innovation Jet d'Or of the Geneva Health Forum 2020

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